The European Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CEDE) in Turin, is a non-profit institution for research and advisory services on economic policies and enterprises strategies devoted to European and Emerging entrepreneurship valorisation.
CEDE has the aim to contribute to increase enterprises efficiency in their national and international environment.
New International Relations are needed, after forty years manpower exploitation in a part of the world which determined elsewhere an acceleration of job insecurity and unemployment.
Economic stagnation involving either industrialised as well as Emerging countries prescribes a resurgence to an International co-operation where the rediscovery of the comparative advantages needs to generate reciprocal benefits among the actors.
To reach these objectives, CEDE experts have developed a study to support a National Programme for SMEs Development and Valorisation, the CENADE (acronym of Centre for National Development of the Entrepreneurship), with the aim to revitalize national entrepreneurship.